Too Much Estrogen

Hormones affect everything that happens inside our bodies. The body secretes and circulates 50 different hormones. Each hormone has its own job or action to help the body work in perfect harmony. When you have a hormone that is out of whack either not being […]

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5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Many people don’t realize there are more benefits to receiving chiropractic care than just pain relief. Pain relief is the number one reason we see people in my office. Most people have tried almost everything before they end up in my office. So Number 1 […]

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Problems with Acetaminophen

There are more than 1,000 medications have been identified as being potentially toxic to the liver. But did you know acetaminophen is the #1 cause of liver failure? Taking too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the US. […]

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Why Chiropractors Take X-rays

If I had one super power, I would have x-ray vision! Not only do I love the skeletal system and seeing what everyone has “inside them”, x-rays are just interesting! While in chiropractic school, I tested and became an x-ray red badge. Every class had […]

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Why Iron is Important

Iron is a trace mineral found in many foods and the body only requires about 100 milligrams of iron a day. It participates in metabolism, DNA synthesis, growth, healing, immune function and reproduction. Iron is found in the blood in two different proteins, that transport […]

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Inversion Tables

Inversion tables work as a spinal decompression therapy. Meaning you strap your feet onto the table and slightly tip the table where your head is below your feet. This allows for the bones in your back to be pulled apart to relieve pressure and/or pain […]

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Why Butter is Good for You

We have all heard that butter is fattening and you should cut back or completely eliminate butter from your diet. The ridiculousness of this statement baffles me. Butter is actually VERY healthy for you, (now don’t go eat a stick by itself) but butter contains […]

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Why is Calcium Important?

How many people do you know that once they get older they fall and break their hip? Usually it is an older woman who falls and breaks their hip. Why is this? Did you know there are several reason why people become osteoporotic. Lifestyle choices, […]

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