Chiropractic for Sickness
Thanks to the media (both news and social) and the internet, COVID-19 has become the number one interest. Is precaution good? Sure. Is freaking out and buying the stores out necessary? NO! Normal buying habits are key to making sure people aren’t having to go without.

My grandfather Dr. Bert Carder was a chiropractor during the 1918 flu pandemic. About 10% of those infected died. While the hospitals were losing patients left and right, my grandfather didn’t lose a single patient. Every morning he would have a line going around his building waiting to be adjusted.
Officials are currently shutting schools, bars, restaurants, hotels, sports, concerts and any other gatherings down. This can be very scary and not knowing the future is nerve racking. I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. It is important to stay calm and take one day at a time.
How to stay healthy
To stay healthy during times of outbreak (including flu and colds) you need to stay away from junk food! Bacteria and viruses both feed on sugar. So when you eat junk food, candies and sugary drinks you are actually causing more problems inside your body. Sugar causes inflammation in the body, which decreases your immune system (and causes pain).
Make sure you are eating fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water. Go to bed early and be sure you are getting adequate amount of sleep. That is 7-9 hours every night! Wash your hands and cover your mouth. Supplement with Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Add elderberry syrup to your daily routine.

Get adjusted! Yes. The chiropractic adjustment boosts your immune system and can help you fight off invaders. Stop stressing and negative thinking! Did you know stress can actually make you sick?! When you think positively you are healthier.
What to do if you get sick
When you are sick, make sure you are still doing all of the above! When drinking liquids, warm is the only way to go. Stay away from ice. Ice lowers your body temperature and it causes energy to be expelled to heat the body back up.
Chicken and bone broths are excellent for when you don’t feel like eating much. The body still needs nutrition when you aren’t feeling well. Homemade bone broths are cheap to make and have properties to boost the immune system.

As for my office, we will be staying open. Being a healthcare provider, I feel it is my duty to continue to support my patients. We are enacting all necessary protocols to keep everyone safe and healthy.
If you have any questions on how chiropractic can help support you through this season and other cold and flu seasons give us or a chiropractor near you a call.
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036
God is bigger than any fear we have.