Cup of Joe
I am a huge coffee drinker. I don’t “have” to have coffee every morning, but I just love the taste! Until about a year or so ago, I was a sugar and caramel macchiato creamer girl. Then I switched from “creamer” to a healthier almond milk creamer (you can get it here.)
Then, I attended a seminar…. Have you ever heard of adding butter to your coffee? I have and thought it was a trend that was going to fade. Adding healthy fat to your coffee is actually very beneficial for you!
Buttered Coffee
When you add fat “butter” to coffee, fats take time to break down, which results in a slow release of caffeine. If you drink black coffee, or coffee with milk, all of the caffeine gets released almost immediately.

Butter contains butyric acid, which can help heal the gut and directly lowers inflammation in the brain. Grass-fed butter contains the fat-soluble vitamins you need to support your immune system, bones, cardiovascular system, vision, and more. Not only that, but having adequate fats allows your body to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K from food.
Coconut Oil in Coffee
Instead of using butter, there is a trend to use coconut oil. Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid (MCT). Which means instead of being stored as fat, the calories contained in MCTs are very efficiently converted into fuel for immediate use by the body. They can speed up metabolism, increase your energy, and boost your immune system. MCTs have also been shown to speed up metabolism, suppress appetite and slow aging.
I have started using Laird Superfood Cacao Creamer in my morning coffee along with my almond creamer. Here is what their website says about their ingredients:
- Coconut Milk Powder: Coconut milk powder not only adds a delicious creamy texture, it is also believed to support the immune system with its antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
- Aquamin™: Known as “nature’s calcium”, Aquamin™ is a red marine algae that is naturally rich in calcium, magnesium, and 72 trace minerals.
- Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: Coconut oil serves as an efficient source of energy due to the naturally occurring full range of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) that are present.
- Raw, cold-pressed cacao: is plant-based source of magnesium, iron, and zinc. Studies show that the natural flavinoids in cacao can support cognitive performance.
I love chocolate, so when I took sugar out of my morning coffee and only had an almond creamer, it was a nice surprise to have a little chocolate taste with this creamer. The only problem I have is that it is hard to stir in completely. So, I have started using my magic bullet and blending it, which makes it frothy and taste much better!

I have noticed since taking all my extra sugar out of my diet, I have much more energy, I feel better, and my weight doesn’t fluctuate as much.
So what does buttered coffee have to do with chiropractic? Simple, it’s a healthier way of living by cutting sugar, increasing healthy fats and helping curb appetite. If you are going to drink coffee, drink organic coffee. Decaf has tons of chemicals used in the process of riding the beans of caffeine. Regular coffee has chemicals that are sprayed on the beans and so to be “healthier” use organic beans for a better product.
If you have any questions on diet, health, or a better way of living, give us or a chiropractor near you a call! Chiropractic looks at whole body health and is interested in the best life that you can live.
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036