I’ve talked about dizziness in relation to sinus infections or sinus inflammation, but I haven’t discussed true dizziness in relation to your neck.
Have you ever been dizzy and didn’t know why? There can be a few reasons why you become dizzy. Sinus or ear infections can cause extreme dizziness. Ear wax that is impacted can also cause dizziness. Also, dizziness can come from your neck.

Vertigo vs. Dizziness
Vertigo is the sensation that your environment is moving or spinning. Dizziness is the sensation that you are moving in your environment. Symptoms of vertigo can be accompanied by nausea or vomiting, sweating, or abnormal eye movements.
Cervical vertigo is a neck-related sensation in which a person feels like either they’re spinning or the world around them is spinning. Poor neck posture, neck disorders, or trauma to the cervical spine cause this condition. Cervical vertigo often results from a head injury that disrupts head and neck alignment, or whiplash.
The muscles and joints in your neck have receptors that send signals about head movement and orientation to the brain and vestibular apparatus or parts of the inner ear responsible for balance.
Adjusting the upper neck can help reset the receptors and help with the dizziness. Muscle work is important because when you have tight muscles, you will continue to misalign your neck. Also, changing how you sleep, read a book, look at your computer or check your phone needs to be evaluated. Repetition of bad behavior can cause neck issues that can result in dizziness.
A chiropractor can examine and help you find the cause of your dizziness. Whether it is from your neck, medications, blood pressure, sinuses or inner ear. (Among a couple of other reasons.)
Chiropractic looks at the whole body and figures out the root cause of the problem, issue or pain. Call us with any questions or to make an appointment (or a chiropractor near you). Taking medications will only cover up what is wrong. Yes, they may help alleviate the issues you are having, but with time they will end up becoming worse. Taking care of yourself now will help you later in life!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036