Easy Ways to Help Prevent Sickness
It’s back to school time! Which means your little ones (or big ones!) will be in contact with other kids. If you have small ones you have to worry about touching, slobber, snot and other body fluids from other kids! (YUCK!!) So this means more sickness….
My kids are kissers. In fact, the first day of school when I picked up my 3 year old son, the teacher asked for a hug. (Poor teacher didn’t know my kids are kissers….) So when he went to hug her, BOOM kiss straight on the lips! All I could say is I am so sorry! I will be needing to explain to him that we only kiss “family” goodbye. (And probably that we only drink after mom, dad or sister…)
How To Prevent Sickness
So what can we do as parent to help insure our children don’t get sick often? We need to boost their immune systems so they can fight off colds!
Ways to boost the immune system:
- Eat a healthy diet. This means get a balanced meal with lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Stay away from sugar!! This includes extra breads and flours!
- Drink water instead of soda, juices or milk.
- Make sure hands are washed before eating. (God made dirt! Germs are actually good for you. Stay away from hand sanitizers!! Hand sanitizers actually cause more harm than help you.)
- Make sure they are getting enough sleep at night! Kids 1-4 years old should be getting 11-12 hours of sleep a day. Older kids and adults need about 9 hours of sleep a day.
- Take vitamin C.
- Play outside in the sun for at least 30 minutes a day and skip the sunscreen. Your body needs Vitamin D to help fight viruses and keep you healthy.

Chiropractic Care
The chiropractic adjustment helps boost the immune system. The entire nervous system is encased in the spinal column. The nervous system is responsible for everything that happens in your body. Adjustments increases antibodies in the blood and decreases anti-inflammatory response.
When you start to notice you are getting sick, those symptoms are only 10% of what the body is actually doing. (Symptoms are always last! You have to have a break down in the system before you notice something is wrong first.) The other 90% is changing your posture, sending inflammation into your body and sending stress hormones into your body which produces “illness”.
Every spinal adjustment directly affects the information going to the brain and the brain then will heal the body. Maintenance adjustments (or adjustments once or twice a month) can drastically help your body cope with invaders (such as bacteria or stress hormones) and help prevent issues.
Call A Chiropractor Near You
To help prevent problems and sickness go get adjusted! Call us if you have any questions on how we can help. Along with the things listed above, adjusting can help prevent sickness and can help you get well quicker when you are sick. So if you have waited too long and already have a cold, get in to see us or a chiropractor close to you!
Chiropractic can also help you sleep better at night. <— If that is an issue you also deal with.
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036