Not All Elbow Pain is “Funny”
Repetition often play a toll on our body. Most notably our elbows, shoulders and knees. It can be in the form of pain, muscle weakness, or even just tired feeling. Lets discuss elbows.
Elbows are a hinge joint. Meaning they bring the hand toward the body and away from the body, but can not bend backwards. The elbow consists of three bones connecting together with three “joints“. You have the humerus (upper arm) and the ulna and radius (lower arm). There are many ligaments and muscles that hold the elbow together. All of which can be injured due to repeated stress on the joint. Most common elbow conditions people know are “Golfers elbow” and “Tennis elbow“.

Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is a very common overuse injury. Pain occurs on the lateral side of the elbow (thumb side of the elbow). Weakness, numbness and stiffness are also signs of lateral epicondylitis. It will be very tender to touch and it will be hard to pick up objects. Swelling can be involved, but not usually seen. Tennis elbow is seen most often in people ages 30-50, with men and women affected equally.
Golfers Elbow
Golfers elbow is less common. Pain occurs on the medial side of the elbow (pinky side). Golfers elbow usually occurs because of overuse or repeated resistance of the wrist. Pain will extend from the elbow down into the wrist. Injury can be from throwing a ball, golfing or even computer work. It will be difficult to grip and use the wrist.
Nerve Entrapment
There is also a possibility of nerve entrapment. The ulnar nerve runs along the elbow (known as the funny bone). Everyone has hit their elbow at some point and regretted it immediately. You will experience pain and tingling in your lower arm and hand. What you hit was the ulnar nerve. Entrapment of the nerve due to the elbow being hit or the bones misaligned can cause inflammation and pain.
In our office elbows can be treated with high volt and ultrasound; cold laser; acupuncture; and/or bracing. Some cases we use all four and others just one or two. It all depends on how long you have been experiencing pain and the severity of the elbow pain. The main focus is treating the muscles and ligaments surrounding the elbow. Lastly, when the elbow starts feeling better we use adjustments to help keep the proper alignment of the bones. Elbows can very easily shift due to lifting heavy objects or repeated actions.
When at home we will have you use ice and watch what your lifting and doing. Repetitive motions like vacuuming should be given to someone else in the house. (Yes, I WILL write you a doctors note to your wife/husband 😂) The sooner we can get you out of pain the better off you will be. (Saves you time and money! As well as PAIN!)
More often then not, pain that goes away will always come back without getting it “fixed”. Find a chiropractor near you and get your elbows looked at!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
El Reno, OK 73036