Groin Pain
There can be a couple of different reasons for groin pain. If you have ruled out UTI or kidney stones, lymph node enlargement, pregnancy and if you haven’t been exercising or physically active, then most likely it is due to a problem that stems from your low back or hip.
The spinal cord is encased in your spine for protection. At each level of your spine, you have a set of spinal nerves that exit the spine to control your body. Each level of your spine controls a different part of your body. Nerves stimulate muscles and tell them to do everything in the body. Muscles are in every aspect of the body. You have muscles inside every vein, artery, and organ.

When you have a pulling or tugging feeling (sometimes) along with pain in the groin or inner thigh, it can be very alarming. Typically it is an injury to the back, with or without back pain. On x-ray it can show up as a degenerated disc, a curvature of the spine, degeneration of the vertebra or injury of the hip joint.
This pain can be differentiated from sciatic pain as sciatic pain goes down the back of the leg and not into the front of the thigh.
These injuries can be from repeatedly lifting heavy things, planting your feet then lifting and twisting, auto accidents, repetition of movement which causes deterioration, sitting improperly, or a combination of many other things.
On physical exam the patient will exhibit pain in the low back and buttocks on palpation. Many orthopedic tests will be negative, but increase pain in areas that the test is not trying to illicit pain from.
Typically with radiating pain we always take x-rays. This gives us a better idea of what is going on inside the body with your bones. (If I had one super power it would be x-ray vision!) We use muscle therapy on the low back and glutes, commonly down into the hip. If it is a male, we always have them make sure they are not sitting on their wallet or phone.
It is always a smart idea to stop lifting weights, working out or doing stressful activities while in active pain. People tend to re-injure themselves while in active care if they continue to work out. Once the pain has subsided, extra activity can be slowly brought back. (Why would you pay someone to fix you and actively injure yourself between appointments? Great for me, because you will be seeing us more! Bad for your pocketbook!! And you won’t get the results you are desiring.)
While in active pain we ask all our patients to use ice on the area that we worked.
If you have any questions on whether your pain is being referred from your low back or hip, give us or a chiropractor near you a call!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036