Immune Boosting Support During Cold and Flu Season
It’s that time of year again. Everyone is getting the sniffles and not feeling well. So how do you protect yourself from getting sick too? The best thing to do is to boost your immune system so you can fight off viruses.
What happens when you get sick?
We encounter viruses, bacteria and germs every single day. So why are we not walking around sick all the time? Our immune system fights off most of what we encounter. When we have a weakened immune system due to stressors of life, not getting enough sunshine, not getting enough sleep, not consuming enough water and not eating a healthy diet, we are susceptible to getting sick.
The virus or bacteria attacked our weakened immune system and invade faster than we can fight it off. Our bodies first defense is to release antibodies to fight into our blood stream, as well as, raise our body temperature so that we can kill the invader. (So having a temperature is a GOOD THING! Put down that Tylenol.)
How to Boost Your Immune System
A fantastic way to keep your immune system boosted during the year is to take Elderberry syrup! You can either make it or buy it from the store. Elderberries have been used for hundreds of years for their health benefits. Many believe that elderberries fight off the flu due to antioxidants found in the berries. They also support the immune system and fight off colds.
There are several types of elderberry plants. The most commonly known is the Sambucus nigra. In a current study researchers found compounds in the elderberry could directly inhibit the flu virus’s entrance into cell and replication. The researchers used commercially cultivated elderberries. They were applied to cells before, during and after they had infected the cells with the flu virus.
The juice from the berries were effective at stopping the virus from infecting the cells. They also found that the juice inhibited replication after the cells had been infected with the virus. Elderberries contain Vitamins A, B and C, iron, potassium and a good source of fiber.
How to Make Elderberry Syrup

You can buy a 4 ounce bottle of Elderberry from $10-$14, which has added sugar. Or you can make a 16 ounce bottle for less than $10. I get my dried elderberries from Amazon and I buy local honey to add to sweeten it.
- 3 1/2 cups of water
- 2/3 cups of dried black elderberries
- 2 tablespoons of grated ginger
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/2 cup of raw honey
You can add more honey if you would like yours sweeter.
- Pour the water into a saucepan, add the elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves.
- Bring it to a boil and cover and reduce to a simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. Until the liquid has reduced to half.
- Remove from heat and let cool.
- Mash the berries using a spoon.
- Pour through a strainer into a bowl.
- When it has cooled completely add the honey and stir.
- Add to a jar and keep it refrigerated.
If you have an Instant Pot you can add the ingredients (minus the honey) to the instant pot. Set manually for 9 minutes on high pressure. Vent and when cooled to room temperature, add honey.
Dose is 1/2-1 teaspoon for kids daily and 1/2-1 tablespoon for adults. If you do get sick, dose every 2-3 hours until symptoms are gone.

The chiropractic adjustment helps boost the immune system. The entire nervous system is encased in the spinal column. The nervous system is responsible for everything that happens in your body. Adjustments increases antibodies in the blood and decreases anti-inflammatory response.
When you start to notice you are getting sick, those symptoms are only 10% of what the body is actually doing. (Symptoms are always last! You have to have a break down in the system before you notice something is wrong first.) The other 90% is changing your posture, sending inflammation into your body and sending stress hormones into your body which produces “illness”.
Every spinal adjustment directly affects the information going to the brain and the brain then will heal the body. Maintenance adjustments (or adjustments once or twice a month) can drastically help your body cope with invaders (such as bacteria or stress hormones) and help prevent issues.
Taking preventative measures such as daily elderberry syrup, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and getting chiropractic adjustments will help you stay healthy this winter. Give us or a chiropractor near you a call!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036