Increased Pain and Decreased Health
Sugar is hidden in almost everything most people eat. Just read the labels in your cabinets at home. It’s sickening when you start adding up how much sugar you consume in a day.
A study done on rats proved how addictive sugar actually is. The study administered cocaine to rats, then once the cocaine was out of their system, they introduced sugar. Then both sugar and cocaine was put in a maze and the rats were released into the maze. Every time the rats went to the sugar!

Increased Pain and Less Energy
Did you know when you eat or drink sugar you actually increase pain! Sugar is an inflammatory substance. Inflammation = pain. So if you are currently having an issue with pain or fatigue, sugar is going to make it worse.
Marketers want you to drink energy drinks or sodas to “get energy”. Unfortunately, after you get a small energy surge, you will have a sugar crash leaving you wanting/needing more. If you actually cut sugar out of your diet, you will have MORE energy!
Consuming Sugar = Craving Sugar
How much soda do you consume on a daily basis? Each 12 ounce coke you drink has 39 grams of sugar. The daily amount allowed for women is 35 grams of sugar per day and for men is 38 grams of sugar per day. So just one coke already puts you over your daily allowed amount!

A good article to read about the deadly effects sugar has on your body is one by Mercola. What happens in your body when you eat too much sugar? Liver damage, hypertension, dementia, and PCOS just to name a few. If you have widespread pain (like fibromyalgia or constant full body pain) or fatigue, think about looking at what your eating and drinking. Cutting sugar will help lower pain, help you sleep and make you feel better overall.
Not only is sugar a pain generator, it makes you FAT! If you were to cut all sugar out of your diet, you will drop the lbs like crazy! Losing weight ALWAYS starts in the kitchen, working out helps you lose it faster. I can promise you working out for an hour and going home to a bowl of ice cream will never end in you losing weight. (Maybe you can maintain your weight, but you won’t be losing it.)
Find new ways to get your sugar fix. Eat fruits! If you’re like me, (I LOVE SWEETS) I like to have a little something sweet after dinner. Try having an unsweetened applesauce, some fresh berries, a piece of dark chocolate, raisins, or frozen grapes.

Start reading labels. Start a food diary. If you’re a woman stay lower than 35 grams of sugar a day, if you’re a man stay below 38 grams a day. See what your number is at the end of the day. If it’s higher than the allowed amount, you need to re-evaluate your diet now!
Doctors of Chiropractic can help you with a diet plan (suited for you). Along with decreasing inflammation in your body, getting adjusted helps your body function better and become healthier. Adjusting rewires your brain and in turn rewires your body. Diet, exercise and spinal health are the essentials to a long healthy life.
Give us or a chiropractor near you a call to start living a healthier life today!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
El Reno, OK 73036