Leg Swelling
Most people know about swelling in lower legs, but what does it really mean? Is holding fluid in your legs something to be concerned about?
Edema is visible swelling caused by a buildup of fluid within tissues. When the legs are pressed and an indentation remains after the skin is pressed, this is calledĀ pitting edema. Pitting edema is a concern. There can be several reasons for the swelling.
In pregnancy it is common to have both legs swell (along with other body parts). With my son, I started having terrible swelling two months before his arrival. I couldn’t wear my wedding ring and I wore compression socks constantly! With my daughter, I didn’t have any swelling at all. Two totally different pregnancies!

Reasons for Edema
A variety of factors can lead to pitting edema, including:
- flying
- poor circulation
- obesity
- pregnancy
- dehydration
- low levels of protein
- trauma or injuries
Alternatively, any of the following conditions may be responsible:
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- psoriatic arthritis
- kidney problems
- lung diseases
- liver diseases
- deep vein thrombosis, which involves a blood clot, often in the leg
- chronic venous insufficiency, which occurs when the veins are inhibited
- complications of the heart valve/heart failure
- some medications
How can chiropractic help leg swelling? In the office we can take a urinalysis to rule out kidney issues, look at medication to make sure it’s not a side effect, and send out when necessary.

We have helped many people who have had one sided swelling. Typically if you have swelling in just one leg, the leg will be tender from the middle knee down the inside of the leg.
This is typically known as a phlebitis. Fancy word for swelling of a vein. Using ultrasound and high volt, we have been very successful in reducing the swelling and getting the patient out of pain. When at home we have the patient use heat on the area.
There have been several times when a patient knows of kidney issues and having swelling in both legs, we have used a combination of ultrasound and acupuncture to help relieve the pressure from swelling in the ankles.
There have been several times when a patient knows of kidney issues and having swelling in both legs, we have used a combination of ultrasound and acupuncture to help relieve the pressure from swelling in the ankles, along with adjusting to help the body function better. Just like restless legs, nerves and blood vessels exit from the low back and adjusting can help in some cases.
We also suggest that patients wear compression socks to help relieve the pressure in the legs due to swelling. Finding the reason why your legs are swelling is the most important part of the puzzle. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment is much easier.
If you have questions on how chiropractic can help, give us or a chiropractor near you a call! Figuring out what is causing the swelling should be your number one priority.
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036