My Natural Haircare Journey Revisited
If you haven’t read about my horror story switching from Herbal Essence to a natural hair product, then go read about it here. It has been a journey to say the least! But, where am I at now?
I have stuck with Acure! I have used the entire bottle of Acure Simply Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner and switched to the Mega Moisture, which is Argan Oil and Pumpkin. (Just to try a different variety.) It also smells wonderful!! I am very pleased with how long the bottles last, the smell, the ingredients and how long I can go between washings.
With the Moroccan method they had several different shampoos and conditioners, so I may just buy all of the Acure selections and switch them out occasionally. The bottles last FOREVER, so it would be a cheap investment which would last a couple of years.
I use to wash my hair nightly. When using Herbal Essence if I skipped a wash my hair was so oily I couldn’t stand it! Since switching I have been able to go from nightly washes to about 4-6 nights without washing! But, it took me about a year to get here. I have slowly went from every other night, to every 2 nights and so on. I use to think that I would die if I went that long without washing! Now, I love the fact I don’t HAVE to wash my hair every night in the shower. (Unless I mow the yard or get my hair wet swimming…) Now I’m saving water, product, and my hair is still fabulous.

My *secret* to being able to go 5-6 nights without washing is lather rinse repeat. My first shampoo I will lather and rinse pretty quick. Then I will repeat. Add more shampoo, wash my entire body, THEN rinse my hair out. Then I use the conditioner once.
On the last day I typically will use dry shampoo, if I feel like I shouldn’t have skipped a wash the night before. I am currently using Monat Dry Shampoo. Which is one of the Monat items that I do like. Acure has a dry shampoo, that I have not tried yet. I am slightly scared to use a dry shampoo that isn’t an aerosol. (I can see my clumsy self getting powder everywhere!! 😱) There are several less expensive (than Monat) on the market, which I may start trying soon!
Other Acure Products
I have recently bought their sensitive face wash. I’m not digging the smell, but it does its job! My face feels clean and I am mostly pimple free. The one benefit I’ve found is I only have to use about a half of a pea size to wash my entire face.
Their coco butter and CoQ10 lotion leaves a lot to be desired. It is creamy, but when you rub it into your skin it feels like water. Now, this could be due to the ingredients and being healthier for you. But, I prefer something that has a little bit more moisture effect. (Although I will be using the rest of it, because you know, I bought it, I’m going to use it….)
They do have a lot of other lotions, body washes, facial scrubs, masks, and eye “serums” to choose from. I try to be “less maintenance” but I may venture out one day to some facial scrubs and masks.
My Hair Now
My scalp has almost completely healed! YAY!! No more itchy, scabby scalp. No oily, greasy hair. I don’t need my wet comb anymore, as my hair isn’t tangly anymore. It’s shiny, smooth, and soft for DAYS!
I highly recommend looking into ditching the chemicals in your life. When you start researching just a little bit about what some of them do to your body, you will be astonished. My next post will be the switch I’ve made from antiperspirant to natural deodorant. <— You think hair was hard…
Give us or any chiropractor around you a call to discuss a more natural approach to life. Get the medications and chemicals out of your life. Feel better about what you put in your body, as well as, what you put on your body. Chiropractic is much more than a pain relief system. It’s a full body natural healthcare system!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036