Problems with Wheat
The cultivation of wheat has changed over the years. When we were hunter and gatherers we had our own gardens and made our own food and breads. We aren’t hunter/gatherers anymore, so we rely on farmers to give us the ability to eat.
History of Wheat
Wheat today is different than it was 100 years ago. Until the 1870s, almost all U.S. wheat production consisted of “soft wheat” varieties. A “hard spring wheat” variety (originally from Central Europe) with a higher protein content (gluten) was introduced in the U.S. in the mid-1800s. The flour made from the higher gluten wheat resulted in fluffier bread and flakier baked goods.
Some early types of wheat may have been grown as far back as 9000 B.C.. It was difficult to eat in its raw form, so many people did not consume wheat. Even when they figured out how to crack it open, to grind it, to sift it and to cook with it, these processes were laborious. Whole grains also went rancid rather quickly because of the high oil content in the bran.

It was eventually discovered that milling the grains (stripping away the germ and the bran) made it so the grains could be kept for longer and also produced a soft white flour. By the early 1800s, many mills had equipment so that they could produce this refined flour. Demand for white flour grew as it became the desirable baking ingredient. Because it was more expensive than brown flour, it also became a status symbol.
Wheat needs to have a fermentation process, which can take days to complete a full process. Due to the high demand, farmers have to mass produce, so the production time is cut down. The production time is sharply decreased due to chemical processes. So, a loaf of bread can be made and packaged within hours of being cut. All anti-nutrients and irritants are still in the wheat because they were packaged so quickly.
Processed foods
Dr. Kellogg was a vegetarian and he thought you should eat wheat due to the bland taste. He thought a diet in bland foods would decrease excitement and sexual arousal. He saw that people had a problem eating grain and he prepared it in a way that was easily accessible to the masses.

In 1894 “Corn Flakes” were marketed to the masses. At the time people were not getting enough calories. The initial rational was to have something shelf stable and people can get their calories, while foods wouldn’t rot quickly. Now days, everything is shelf stable!
In the 60s and 70s they started adding vitamins and nutrients to products to deal with malnutrition. (Due to stripping all the nutrients out of the wheat!) The vitamins and nutrients are actual mined “chemically”, through labs, then added back into the wheat. Through the years, chemicals have also been sprayed on the wheat to protect against bug and disease. (More toxins for your body.)
Chemical spraying leaves the ground deficient in nutrients and vitamins.
The problem with wheat, isn’t the wheat itself, it is the glyphosate on the wheat. We are 10 times more bacteria then we are human cells. Glyphosate kills bacteria. So when we consume food that has been sprayed by glyphosate (Roundup) we are killing our bodies, literally!
Wheat is now in cosmetics, medications, additives, preservatives, vitamins, shampoos, lotions, EVERYTHING. Anytime you see dextrose, multi-dextrose, glucose, these are all wheat based sugars. This also includes ascorbic acid, which is our vitamin c, which is wheat based.
Wheat is contributing to an inflammatory state in our body. Inflammation causes any group of symptoms from: mood, diabetes, chronic illness, fibromyalgia, obesity, autism, headaches, asthma, skin rashes, etc. You can not expect to put chemicals into your body and not get a reaction somewhere.
Inflammation kills the immune system. Sugar (a major inflammatory agent) is in the wheat, called fructan. Now we have a fructose malabsorption. (IBS is actually a condition that can not digest fructose.) Leaky gut is due to inflammation and is probably the beginning of every autoimmune illness.
Autoimmunity is caused by 3 things: our genetics, environment (foods you eat, chemicals around you) and gut lining. 70% of our genes which we have control of is changed by our diet. Every bite of food we take has a hormonal impact within the body. We have an incredible ability to impact our genes!
Some people can eat wheat! Others can not! Give yourself 6 weeks to eliminate wheat. Then you can see what all has changed in your life without wheat products. If you have noticed a big change in your life, then you should not consume wheat. (Why would you? If you feel better without it, leave it out. You have done 6 weeks without it!)
It is also a good idea to try and get rid of all products that contain wheat in them. Start checking labels, look for gluten free shampoos, lotions, soaps, as well as foods.
If you have any questions concerning diet, give us or a chiropractor near you a call. Another great idea is to get food allergy tested! Anytime you are consuming something that causes inflammation in your system, you are at risk for autoimmune diseases and a ton of other issues. Changing diet and chiropractic adjustments can directly change the nervous system, which affects every system!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036
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October 15, 2019 at 8:41 amIf you would like to become informed about the ACTUAL practices of wheat farming, I suggest you speak to a wheat farmer. I am sure that you have a number of WHEAT farmers as patients. I am sure that they would be glad to see your opinion, and it is just THAT, an OPINION, of what they supposedly are doing to harm you. Please, by all means, state FACTS and not just internet research from unsupported sources.
October 17, 2019 at 5:21 pmHi Lindsey! I am not in any way meaning to offend ANY wheat farmers. I did state that wheat is usually not the problem, but some of the chemicals to help keep off bugs/pests and keep the wheat from being destroyed are the issue. Wheat has evolved over the years and our bodies are having to try to digest things we haven’t before. If you look at my food allergy blog, you will see that I am allergic to wheat. When I cut wheat out of my diet, I am not bloated, don’t get headaches as often and feel better overall. My family has switched to Spelt bread and we like it. Do I eat wheat? Yes, but not as much as I use to. There are tons of medical issues that arise when certain people consume gluten and for a better life they cut out gluten.
Wheat farmers do much more that just feed people wheat and I would love to know more about the process of wheat farming here in Oklahoma. (Also, what chemicals are sprayed on the wheat here.) I have many patients that are wheat farmers and I love them all. Like I said this is not an attack on farmers, it is merely a suggestion of watching what people put in their mouth. Getting a food allergy test is the best way to see if you can digest wheat. Wheat is much more than bread, it is in everything. When you cut out processed foods you WILL have a much healthier life. That is due to the fact your not eating crap food. I apologize that you thought I was attacking farmers.