Proper Desk Posture
Do you have a job that you have to sit most of the day? How does sitting make your lower and upper back feel? Did you know if you sit in a chair and slouch, due to being tired, you can exert up to 185 pounds of pressure on your low back!
What is the Ideal Sitting Position?
- Elbow measure– Sit as close as possible to your desk so that your upper arms are parallel to your spine. Rest your hands on your work surface. If your elbows are not at a 90-degree angle, move your chair either up or down.
- Thigh measure– Check that you can slide your fingers under your thigh at the edge of the chair. If you can’t, you need to prop your feet up with a footrest. If there is more than a finger width between your thigh and the chair, you need to raise the desk so you can raise your chair.
- Lower-back support– Your buttocks should be pressed against the back of your chair, and there should be a cushion that causes your lower back to arch slightly so that you don’t slump forward as you get tired.
- Eye level– Close your eyes while sitting comfortably with your head facing forward. Slowly open your eyes. Your gaze should be aimed at the center of your computer screen. If your computer screen is higher or lower than your gaze, you need to either raise or lower it.
- Armrest– Adjust the armrest of your chair so that it just slightly lifts your arms at the shoulders.
Dangers of Sitting
1. On average, American’s sit 11 hours/day.
2. 300,000 deaths occur annually due to inactivity and poor dietary habits in the United States alone.
3. 20% of all deaths of people 35 and older are attributed to a lack of physical activity.
4. 65% of American’s watch 2 or more hours of TV every day.
5. Only 6.5% of American’s meet the minimal physical guideline requirements for work.
6. Sedentary lifestyles are responsible for an estimated $24 billion in direct medical spending.
7. Women are more likely to lead sedentary lives than men.
Benefits of Standing
Standing delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the brain through improved blood flow. Which also help reduce pain, due to improved blood flow. Some studies have linked prolonged sitting to a greater risk for colon, breast and endometrial cancers. Regular movement boosts natural antioxidants that kill cell damaging free radicals.
Standing on the job promotes a greater mental awareness, which leads to far greater productivity and improved concentration. It’s harder to get lazy while standing as you tend to stay more focused. Light movement can also reduce pain and discomfort. (When using a standing desk, productivity increases 46%.)
Our bodies were made to stand, so maintaining the seated position is physically stressful. 54% of workers reported reduced upper back and neck pain when sitting time was decreased. You can also burn slightly more calories when standing due to shifting weight constantly.
Sit to Stand Desk
I recently got an Anthro sit to stand desk at the office. I have very limited space in our front office. So where my desk sits is is not economically correct and I would be upset if my patients sat the way I do to complete my charts!

At first, I was off put by the size of the desk. (If you really know me you know I hate change!) The extra workspace has been useful while using the desk while standing. It is very easy to go from sitting to standing, as there is just one hand lever you have to press to change the desk into a standing desk or a sitting desk.

Standing allows me to have a better posture while working and allows me too quickly leave my desk to adjust a patient, turn off a machine or complete another task. It also helps my upper back pain! If I sit too long at my desk, I get a burning in my left trap and neck! (Good thing I know a great chiropractor! 😂) So if you are looking to change your desk to help with back pain, help you get more active or just think it’s a cool idea go check out Anthrodesk.
Chiropractic care is very effective in helping with back pain. Prevention is key after a series of treatments to keep you out of pain. If you have any questions on how chiropractic can help your back pain, give us or a chiropractor near you a call! If you have any questions on if a sit to stand desk is right for you give us a call! Standing desks can be very helpful in relieving back pain to getting you up and moving some, as well as, they can help you be more productive at work!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036