Sinus Pressure
Recently I went to Parker Vegas Seminars in Las Vegas. It’s one of the “biggest” chiropractic seminars held every year. The seminar is held in the Paris Hotel (aka one of the smokiest hotels in Vegas 🤢). When I got home from Vegas, I was dizzy beyond belief.
I have never had dizzy spells! So I was quite concerned when the dizziness only continued to get worse. I went from being dizzy some of the day, to being dizzy constantly. Sitting still I was dizzy, moving I was dizzy, it was MISERABLE!! After checking my ears (which were normal), getting adjusted (SEVERAL times) and drinking more water, we opted to get an MRI of my internal auditory canal (inner ear) and brain. I had zero neurological signs or symptoms and was only nursing a “head cold”.
Results were that I had severe polysinusitis (extreme inflammation in every sinus in my head). I have never had sinus issues, so I guess when I do, I go all out. 🙄
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the sinuses. Common symptoms are thick nasal mucus, plugged nose, facial pain and dizziness. Other symptoms can include fever, headache, poor sense of smell, sore throat and cough. It can be cause by infection, allergies, air pollution, smoke, or structural problems in the nose.
There are several sinuses in your head. Ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus, and maxillary sinus. Any or all can contribute to sinus issues at one time.

- There are several different treatments available. You can start with a netti pot and saline washes to see if you can rinse out your sinuses and get relief.
- Hot pads on your sinuses alternated with cold packs can help move some of the inflammation out.
- There are antihistamines and antibiotics if you have a more chronic case of sinusitis.
- Also, chiropractic and acupuncture can be very effective in treating sinusitis!
Chiropractic adjustments help restore your immune system to help fight the infection or inflammation as well as adjusting your upper neck help keep your ears clear. In our office, we would also use the diathermy on your sinuses to help clear out the mucous and reduce inflammation.
Acupuncture on your sinuses is also a very helpful way to reduce inflammation and get relief without drugs. We also have a product called BeeSecret which when put on your sinuses, which opens up your airways and allows you to breath much better.
Like I’ve said before any chemical you put into your body will cause an issue somewhere else down the line, whether it be now or later! So start naturally first. Then move on to other avenues if you don’t get relief. Call us or a chiropractor near you to start living a better, natural life! Chiropractic can add years to your life and life to your years!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036