Intermittent Fasting

You might have heard about the uptrend of intermittent fasting. The idea stems from two different thoughts. One group of people are using intermittent fasting for weight loss and the other group of people are using it for health. (There is also a spiritual fasting.) […]

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Too Much Estrogen

Hormones affect everything that happens inside our bodies. The body secretes and circulates 50 different hormones. Each hormone has its own job or action to help the body work in perfect harmony. When you have a hormone that is out of whack either not being […]

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5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Many people don’t realize there are more benefits to receiving chiropractic care than just pain relief. Pain relief is the number one reason we see people in my office. Most people have tried almost everything before they end up in my office. So Number 1 […]

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Problems with Acetaminophen

There are more than 1,000 medications have been identified as being potentially toxic to the liver. But did you know acetaminophen is the #1 cause of liver failure? Taking too much acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the US. […]

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Leg Swelling

Most people know about swelling in lower legs, but what does it really mean? Is holding fluid in your legs something to be concerned about? Edema is visible swelling caused by a buildup of fluid within tissues. When the legs are pressed and an indentation […]

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Plantar Fasciitis

Foot pain is actually quite common. At my office, patients typically say that they have a stabbing pain in their foot that is worse after being immobile for a period of time. Mornings are the worst and they usually have had it for years. 😩 […]

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Sunblock Dangers

When in the sun, people think they have to apply sunscreen to keep from getting skin cancer. Getting sunburned is bad for your skin, yes, but have you ever thought of what you are putting on your skin? Your skin is the biggest organ in […]

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Get Up and Move

With many individuals being quarantined, movement has been put to the side. The most movement some individuals are getting is going from their “work” desk to the bathroom, or the couch to the refrigerator. It’s time to change! Movement is so important to life. Movement […]

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Why Chiropractors Take X-rays

If I had one super power, I would have x-ray vision! Not only do I love the skeletal system and seeing what everyone has “inside them”, x-rays are just interesting! While in chiropractic school, I tested and became an x-ray red badge. Every class had […]

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