Avocados and Your Health

Avocados are grown on trees and known as a fruit. More than 95% of avocados consumed by Americans come from Hass trees grown above & below the equator. Avocado trees grown and actually bloom flowers the first 2-3 years of life, then switch to producing […]

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Gut Brain Connection

Have you ever heard of the gut brain connection? If you have dove into health and prevention and how the body works, you probably have. For everyone else you probably think it sounds crazy! There are many books about the connection, if you wanna pick […]

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When You Need to Detox

Do you have any annoying symptoms that just won’t go away? Achy joints or muscles, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, allergies or gas? Or how about more serious problems such as autoimmune diseases, migraines, asthma, acne, irritable bowel, reflux, or arthritis? Here are some common symptoms […]

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Groin Pain

There can be a couple of different reasons for groin pain. If you have ruled out UTI or kidney stones, lymph node enlargement, pregnancy and if you haven’t been exercising or physically active, then most likely it is due to a problem that stems from […]

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What Pillow is Best?

I get asked all the time, “what kind of pillow should I use”? We spend anywhere from 6-9 hours a night (ideally) sleeping, so a really good pillow is important. A good posture while sleeping is important to wake up without pain and stiffness. So your […]

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