The Dark Side of Soda

Did you know that Coca-Cola products are consumed at the rate of more than 1.9 billion drinks per day? A Gallup poll revealed that about 50% of Americans drink soda daily with the average daily intake being 2.6 glasses per day! Mexicans drink more soft drinks than any […]

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Why Am I So Tired?

Do you feel like you are getting enough sleep at night, yet wake up exhausted? Chances are you aren’t getting enough sleep. So, to help wake us up we drink coffee and/or energy drinks. Retail coffee market sales for 2018 was $87-88 billion and total […]

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Kidney Stones

You may have experienced a kidney stone, or known someone that has had a kidney stone. But, where do they come from? What are their early symptoms and what can you do for them? Kidney stones are quite common and are more prevalent in men […]

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Time to Hydrate

How much water do you consume on a daily basis? None? A cup? Eight glasses? What is the magic number? How do you know if you are drinking enough? Water is a basic necessity of life and is important to all living things. In some […]

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