Why Butter is Good for You

We have all heard that butter is fattening and you should cut back or completely eliminate butter from your diet. The ridiculousness of this statement baffles me. Butter is actually VERY healthy for you, (now don’t go eat a stick by itself) but butter contains […]

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Kidney Stones

You may have experienced a kidney stone, or known someone that has had a kidney stone. But, where do they come from? What are their early symptoms and what can you do for them? Kidney stones are quite common and are more prevalent in men […]

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Jaw Pain

When you think of jaw pain where do you think to go? Usually the dentist, right? What if I told you that chiropractic can help jaw pain? If there isn’t a “tooth” problem, chiropractic is very effective in treating jaw pain. There are different reasons […]

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Is Salt Good or Bad for You?

We’ve all been told salt causes high blood pressure, cardiac disease and heart problems. But is that really the truth? In 1972, the National Institutes of Health introduced the National High Blood Pressure Education Program to help prevent hypertension. There were two studies they based […]

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