Tingling & Pain in Arms
Have you ever gotten a pain that has shot down your arm? How about woke up with both hands tingly? Or while reading a book your arms fell asleep? This is a pretty common complaint in my office and usually all stem from the same area.
Many people think that when their hand(s) are tingly or numb feeling, they have carpal tunnel. There are several different areas that can cause that feeling. It could be coming from the wrist, the elbow, the shoulder or *most* often coming from the brachial plexus (which supplies the entire arm and hand).
Brachial Plexus
The brachial plexus is a bundle of nerves that provides movement and feeling to the shoulder, arm and hand. There are 7 cervical (neck) bones in the neck. They are labeled C1-C7, but there are 8 cervical nerves. This bundle of nerves is composed of four cervical nerve roots (C5-C8) and the first thoracic nerve root (T1). These roots combine to form three trunks. C5-C6 form the upper trunk, C7 continues as the middle trunk and C8-T1 form the lower trunk.

Each nerve splits into a division. Half the divisions supply flexor muscles (that lift and bend the arm). The others supply the extensor muscles (that straighten the arm and bring it down). When you have a nerve injury, it affects the muscle supply (hence the weakness in the muscles). When the nerve is pinched for a long enough time, it can cause complete loss of motion or movement. Some of the most common complaints include not being able to turn door handles, pick up a cup, do little motions with fingers or even lift the arm up to brush hair.
On physical exam there will be extreme tenderness on the front of the neck. Most people don’t even realize that they are tender until palpated. It is a common exam finding due to things like “text neck“, extra desk work, poor posture which causes anterior head carriage, and many other reasons.
Brachial plexus findings will often result in reduced cervical curve on x-rays. In my office, we use muscle therapy to address tight muscles, adjusting the cervical and upper thoracic spine and have the patient use a rolled up towel for a passive exercise at home. We also have pillows that are custom fit to the patient if they want a good pillow. (We do spend a lot of time sleeping, so it is a great investment!)
If you have questions on any symptoms your are experiencing, give us or a chiropractor near you a call! The sooner you get answers, the less damage you will do to your nerves, muscles and bones! A reduced cervical curve will cause degeneration and disc problems if left untreated!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036
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Roseline Kolis
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