What is Juicing?
I have been interested in nutrition since starting chiropractic school. Recently I have started watching MULTIPLE documentaries over juicing, nutrition, organic food, and overall food health. Being a chiropractor I look at whole body wellness and one day (hopefully soon) I plan on getting my masters in nutrition.
With that being said, having a masters will only add letters to my name, I can do nutrition in my office without a masters! Chiropractic school changes the way you view a lot of things. You are thrown into a gamut of different “health” views, exercise routines, and new lifestyles. Since I started (back in 2007), I have changed the way I look at food and exercise. (Although I do fall off the bandwagon every now and then, when I come back, I feel I get even more “crazy” with nutrition and health!)

Fruits and vegetables contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants needed to nourish the body. Juicing extracts these vitamins and micronutrients delivering them in a concentrated form that is absorbed into the bloodstream quickly.
Fruit and vegetable juices retain most of the vitamins and nutrients that are found in the whole foods, which helps protect against many diseases, cancers and inflammatory conditions. Juicing allows you to consume some fruits and vegetable you wouldn’t otherwise eat whole and receive nutrients from them. (Easiest being all your greens! They taste pretty darn good juiced!)
History of Juicing
Juicing is relatively new to our culture, but juicing itself is not new at all! Back in 1700 B.C. the ancient Greeks called pomegranate juice, “love potion”. From 150 B.C. to 70 A.D. juicing was written about on the Dead Sea Scrolls. In the 1920’s Max Gerson (a German scientist) developed a therapy with a vegetarian diet and raw juices. His work is still available today at the Gerson Institute.
Dr. Norman W. Walker was a pioneer in raw juicing and vegetarian movement and his book in the 1936, “Raw Vegetable Juices” advocated raw juicing to help regain and maintain health. In the 1970’s the juicing scene exploded due to the “Godfather of Fitness”, Jack Mullane, who promoted Juicing mania.

The Facts
Eating healthy and juicing is a lifestyle change. You can get the kids involved even! The idea is to maximize the nutrients you put in, to be healthier, feel better and have less ailments. If you eat better, you feel better. If you feel better, you will do more. Everything you put into your mouth is a choice, if you make better choices you will have a better life.

We are the heaviest nation on the planet. Being overweight and eating a poor diet makes you susceptible of over 25 diseases and certain types of cancer. Bad food has been linked to over 80,000 cancer cases in the United States alone! With the largest amount of cancers being colorectal cancers.
Obesity related illness kills 1 person every 5 minutes. 1 in every 3 children born after the year 2000 will end up with type 2 diabetes and the health care cost will be $400,000 for that individual! (So is it smarter to invest a tad more money on healthy food now, or medications and hospital bills later?!?!?)
Chiropractic is whole body wellness. When the central nervous system is functioning at higher levels (due to the chiropractic adjustment) your body can handle the stresses (pollution, stress, bacteria, viruses, toxins, poor choices, sugar and many more) of life better. Good nutrition helps nourish your body to protect and support the processes in which the body functions.
When I have patients that aren’t getting optimal results with chiropractic alone, I have to look at their diet! Diet is so very important to our health. Diet goes hand in hand with how healthy you are.
I know I want to live to see my children have children and be able to be healthy and feel good when I get there! So I have dedicated my life to chiropractic and nutrition. If you want any information on how chiropractic can help you, give us a call or a call a chiropractor near you! Investing in your health now will save you in more than one way later.
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036
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Chiropractor Quakers hill
June 13, 2019 at 8:23 pmThis is healthy especially when you combine fruits and vegetables…maintain drinking and not only you get a healthy skin but a healthy body..