Why Am I So Tired?
Do you feel like you are getting enough sleep at night, yet wake up exhausted? Chances are you aren’t getting enough sleep. So, to help wake us up we drink coffee and/or energy drinks.
Retail coffee market sales for 2018 was $87-88 billion and total energy drink and energy shot sales estimated $13.5 billion in 2018. Thats a lot of coffee and energy drinks!
How much rest should I be getting?
If you’re getting less than eight hours of sleep each night, chances are you’re sleep deprived. What’s more, you probably have no idea just how much lack of sleep is affecting you.

Make yourself have a bedtime. If you need to wake up at 6 be sure to be in bed early enough to reach your sleep goal. Make sure all electronics are off before “bedtime.” There is a lot of research on stimulation of the brain before bed. You will have a better night sleep if you make sure to unplug before laying in bed.
What should my diet look like?
I preach on this all the time! Diet plays such a huge role in your life. I don’t even like the word DIET. I prefer lifestyle. What you put into your body will affect your body. Highly processed foods, sugar, fast food, not only causes weight gain, it causes illness and fatigue.

You need to have a well balanced meal, every meal! Limit your intake of breads, pastas, sugars, (anything that comes out of a bag or a box). Increase your intake of whole REAL food. Fruits, veggies, meats,… things made from scratch. The fewer ingredients in something, the healthier it is.
What should I be drinking?
Water! Water! Water! Your body is made up of water, so when you don’t drink enough, it’s easy to get dehydrated. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces a day. So if you weigh 200 pounds, aim to drink 100 ounces of water a day.
I drink coffee every morning. I can go without it, but I really LOVE it. To offset the diuretic property of coffee, I just add extra water to my diet. So, if you consume other beverages, add extra water to your daily routine. (It’s ideal to cut out soda drinks and extra sugary things. Including most juices.)

If you don’t “like” water, try adding lemon, lime or other fruit flavoring to your water until you learn to love it! 😉
How much should I be moving?
Just getting up and doing light exercise for 30 minutes a day can drastically improve your life. Exercise also allows you to get a better night’s rest. A study published in April 2015 in the Journal of Sleep Research looked at people with insomnia who engaged in a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise spread over the course of a week. They found that this amount of physical activity was associated not only with a significant reduction in the severity of insomnia symptoms, but an elevation in mood as well.
So get up and go for a walk, jog, or do something like yoga to get your heart rate up! You will feel more energized after working out, despite what you may think.
How does chiropractic fit in?
Chiropractic is whole body wellness. Getting adjustments can help you sleep better at night and have a better quality of sleep. Making a few “adjustments” to your life, for your overall well being can help you function better! If you have any questions on how chiropractic can help you defeat your tiredness and fatigue, give us or a chiropractor near you a call!
There are of course other health reasons that can make you feel fatigued and tired constantly. Co-managing with the right doctors can help turn your life around. Make 2020 be your healthiest, most energized year yet!
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036