Why Chiropractors Take X-rays
If I had one super power, I would have x-ray vision! Not only do I love the skeletal system and seeing what everyone has “inside them”, x-rays are just interesting! While in chiropractic school, I tested and became an x-ray red badge. Every class had a few x-ray red badges.
This qualified you to help your classmates take and develop x-rays. You also made the schedule to be in the x-ray suite to help students fill their x-ray quota to graduate.
As chiropractors we are taught how to take our own x-rays and know how to read them. In fact there is a full x-ray reading section of our National Boards to become licensed chiropractic physicians.

Warranted X-rays
I don’t take x-rays on every patient, because it is not always warranted. Once I have done my physical exam on a patient, depending on their history, exam results and sometimes that “gut” feeling, I will either decide to take x-rays or not. So just because you go to a chiropractor, doesn’t mean you will HAVE to have x-rays done. If the patient has gotten x-rays recently through another doctor, I always have the patient bring those to my office.
There are a lot of good reasons to have x-rays done. A family member has a congenital anomaly (can be a familial trait), have past trauma (or current trauma), you have had surgery (I find some of the time, patients have no idea what they got done or what levels they had it done at), have had this issue on and off for years, or have physical findings to suggest you have a broken bone, fracture, or scoliosis.
Sometimes on the initial visit if I don’t take x-rays, but after a series of treatments the patient has not gotten relief of symptoms the way I think they should, I will take x-rays and possibly send them out for an MRI or CT. Imaging is our friend when it comes to a proper diagnosis.
Would you want an electrician or plumber working in the dark with not knowing what the layout of your house is?
As chiropractors, we are moving bones. We are altering the structure you have in your body. You should be happy to see that the chiropractor is protecting you first before they start adjusting. Many people think that chiropractors take x-rays to take advantage and charge extra for x-rays. Yes, x-rays cost money, but they are MUCH cheaper than in a hospital and if they are taken, they are serving a purpose to protect you.
If you have any questions about what chiropractic can do for you just give us or a chiropractor near you a call. Chiropractic is very effective at managing pain, but all chiropractors are wanting to keep you healthy and functioning at the best you can! Think about putting chiropractic into your life as a lifestyle. (Which usually only consists of once a month adjustments, keeping your diet healthy and reaching all your personal lifestyle goals.)
~Dr. Lacey~
Carder Chiropractic Clinic, INC.
El Reno, OK 73036